Art Study: Cape Cod Morning, 1950, Edward Hopper

Left: Original; Right: Digital Study

This study was one I have been wanting to do for awhile although initially I wanted to make a crisp version that embodies the quality of Hopper’s work. I decided to do this in a pencil quality (Frenden’s Monster in a Pocket)just to try it out in Clip Studio Paint.

This is definitely not a perfect reproduction but I learned a lot from this study in the way of how Hopper used color and texture. Also I didn’t set up perspective but would love to redo this with perspective and with a paint texture rather than pencil.

Overall this was a fun, fast study and I will definitely do more in the future! I wonder who else would be a good artist to study because there are so many great works out there.


Illustration: Donald & Daisy


Storytime: Changing Seasons